“Preserve Heritage Places” is the Right Thing to do

Source: The Better India

Let’s start with introduction

India has a vast and diverse pool of cultural heritage and ancient monuments with extraordinary elements defining the eternal essence of its history. The fact that these monuments are the reminiscence of the living witnesses of the historic era of over a thousand years, they carry a special and a well-deserved respect in the eyes of the Indians.

What are the reasons for damage caused to Heritage Places??

Somewhere these historic places’ values are getting deteriorates due to some or other reason such as the epigraphs are vanishing during construction and mindless applying of fresh coat of paint during renovation. Even in recent years, the alterations about natural environment and climate observed have negatively affected the monumental buildings.

What are ways to protect historical monuments??

The ‘Ancient Monuments and Preservation Act, 1904’ was passed with the prime objective to ensure the proper maintenance and repair of ancient buildings in private ownership. Under this program, the heritage conservation work is carried out in three main broad categories:

Chemical Preservation – This includes chemical conservation treatment and preservation of material deterioration process, basic studies of intervention technologies, basic studies on materials and diagnostic technologies.

Structural Conservation – It is the ways to improve and stabilize the structures by maintaining their pristine looks. The structures are given additional strength and reinforced by using expert’s products like ThorHelical bars (Crack Stitching bars, Long Helical Bar, Remedial wall ties) Jahn Reapir Mortar (M30 Injection Grout, M10 Stabilizer, M95 Anti Rust)and Anchor systems (Anchor Posts).  The products are also improved so as to make these structures natural-disasters resistant.

Contemporary Awareness Program – The Indian citizens in general and students in specific are being roped in by the government to spread awareness and advertise about the preservation of the heritage.

In today’s competitive world, we have to preserve the monuments and showcase them to the next generation as the contributions or achievements of our ancestors. A little effort is made by Appex Innovation to create drastic changes that will make the past, the present and the future generations of the country and the world proud of India.
