
“Preserve Heritage Places” is the Right Thing to do

Source: The Better India Let’s start with introduction India has a vast and diverse pool of cultural heritage and ancient monuments with extraordinary elements defining the eternal essence of its history. The fact that these monuments are the reminiscence of the living witnesses of the historic era of over a thousand years, they carry a special and a well-deserved respect in the eyes of the Indians. What are the reasons for damage caused to Heritage Places?? Somewhere these historic places’ values are getting deteriorates due to some or other reason such as the epigraphs are vanishing during construction and mindless applying of fresh coat of paint during renovation. Even in recent years, the alterations about natural environment and climate observed have negatively affected the monumental buildings. What are ways to protect historical monuments?? The ‘Ancient Monuments and Preservation Act, 1904’ was passed with the prime objective to ensure the proper maint